How To Use Curd And Besan To Reduce Body Pigmentation 2024

how to use curd and besan to reduce body pigmentation

Do you have uneven skin tone and dark areas on your body? Having body pigmentation may lower your confidence. But there are many ways to reduce body pigmentation and help you to get clearer and more radiant skin.

Causes of Body Pigmentation

  • Hormonal changes
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Genetics
  • Skin injuries
  • Certain medical conditions

Can Applying Curd And Besan Reduce Body Pigmentation?

In simple ways, the answer to this question is “Yes”.

But it is necessary to know the right manner to use curd and besan to reduce body pigmentation and a few things to keep in mind along with your regime.

Let’s look at the properties of curd and besan through which it helps in reducing body pigmentation.

Benefits Of Curd On Face / Skin

Curd has lactic acid in it which is a natural exfoliant. It helps in removing dead skin cells and promoting the growth of lighter skin. Curd also helps in nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Benefits Of Besan On Face / Skin

Besan is rich in antioxidants which help in reducing skin inflammation. Besan also helps in cleansing, lightening, and brightening of skin’s complexion.

How To Use Curd And Besan To Reduce Body Pigmentation

1. CLEAN: Clean the pigmented area with soap or body wash before using a curd and besan mask.

2. MIX THE INGREDIENTS: Take besan in a bowl according to the area you want to treat and mix it with curd to make a smooth paste.

For extra brightening properties, you can add turmeric. As turmeric makes skin glow and shine.

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3. APPLY THE MIXTURE: Now apply the paste to the area you want to treat and leave it to rest for about 15-20 mins.

4. WASH IT OFF: Use lukewarm water to wash off the paste. Clean the paste by massaging your skin as the paste also acts as a mild exfoliator.

5. MOISTURIZE: Now moisturize your skin. As the paste will make your skin slightly dry.

So this is the right manner to use besan and curd paste to reduce body pigmentation.

Not only just body you can use this paste on your face, back neck, elbows, underarms, and inner thighs.

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This curd and besan paste is extremely effective in curing dark areas of skin.

To have an effective result apply besan and curd paste to reduce body pigmentation twice a week.

But you need to keep in mind certain things while adopting a natural remedy to cure skin or hair-related issues.

Key Tips for Using Natural Remedies for Skin and Hair Care

1. CONSISTENCY: Whenever you are involved in natural or homemade skincare recipes stay consistent. Because natural or home recipes need consistency or regularity to show effective results.

2. PATIENCE: Along with regularity you need to be patience with your natural process.
As it takes time to show results and only with regularity you will get your desired result.

3. ALLERGIES: There are some people who are allergic to natural ingredients. That is why be careful while using anything from your kitchen on your face or body.

Apart from this, there are a few things one needs to follow to boost the result of reducing body pigmentation.

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Anyone who is suffering from pigmentation must follow these steps to stop or prevent further pigmentation.

Boost The Result Of Reducing Body Pigmentation.

1. SUN EXPOSURE: Sun rays are very harmful to us. To protect yourself from hyperpigmentation and sun tan protect yourself from direct sun exposure.

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Always apply sunscreen before leaving for outside and wear full clothes that cover your skin.

2. TIGHT CLOTHES: Another reason for pigmentation or hyperpigmentation is wearing tight clothes. Always wear loose and soft clothes to make your skin healthy.

3. MOISTURIZER: Dry skin and unhealthy skin also leads to pigmentation. So always keep your skin moisturized during the day and night.

4. STAY HYDRATED: Drink plenty of water throughout the day as being hydrated also makes skin healthy and glowing.

5. EXFOLIATE REGULARLY: Regular exfoliation would remove dead skin cells and dirt from the skin which eventually makes your skin healthy and bright.

How can I remove pigmentation from my body naturally?

Use the curd and besan paste to remove pigmentation from your body naturally.

Why am I getting pigmentation on my body?

Hormonal changes
Excessive sun exposure
Skin injuries
Certain medical conditions

Does curd remove hyperpigmentation?

Curd contains lactic acid that may help with hyperpigmentation due to its exfoliating properties

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