8 Beauty Benefits Of Rubbing Ice On Your Face

Benefits Of Rubbing Ice On Face

It’s summer and we all are exhausted with heat and sweat. Just as we need to hydrate our body we also need to hydrate our skin. And one of the best methods in the Summer skincare routine to hydrate our skin is rubbing ice cubes. Rubbing ice cubes on the face and neck not only just hydrate our skin but also helps in dealing with many skin issues. Which we will discuss here.

Let’s talk about the advantages of rubbing ice cubes on the face.

Well, rubbing ice on face and body is also known as ice therapy. And many beauty experts suggest it as a must-have routine of summer skincare for healthy, hydrated, and refreshing skin.

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Ice therapy and rubbing ice on face have many advantages which are as follows-

Benefits Of Rubbing Ice On Face

1. Reduce Puffiness

Many people have puffy eyes in the morning due to lack of sleep or oversleeping and for other reasons such as bad eye makeup, studying, and working on a laptop or phone for a long.

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Rubbing ice on face definitely reduces eye puffiness and gives relaxation to the eyes.

If you have a problem with puffy eyes and work or study late at night then you should definitely try this ice therapy for a relaxing and soothing effect on your skin and eyes.

2. Heals and Prevents Acne

Applying ice on face minimizes skin pores which release oil that causes acne and pimples. It also reduces the production of sebum which is the main reason behind the growth of acne.

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If you have oily skin then this skincare method of rubbing ice cubes would definitely improve your skin condition and heal your acne and pimples. You can also follow our Best Skin Care Routine For Oily Skin Day & Night.

3. Makes Skin Glowing

Another benefit of rubbing ice on face is that it also improves blood circulation of the skin which makes your skin glow and brings out the natural blush on your skin. Icing the face also helps in brightening skin tone.

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4. Prevents Inflammation

Another advantage of applying ice on face is that it helps in preventing inflammation.

If your skin is itchy and has swells and rashes then rub an ice cube on your face as it will calm and soothes your skin giving you relaxation and refreshment.

5. Removes Dark Circles

Many people try very hard to remove dark circles under their eyes and use many chemical-based creams or gels which sometimes even harm the skin under the eye.

But rubbing an ice cube removes dark circles along with many other skin benefits mentioned here.

6. Works as Anti-aging

As mentioned above that rubbing ice cubes improves blood circulation and also helps in the tightening of the skin which prevents wrinkles.

A habit of regularly rubbing ice cubes would tighten and smoothen the skin.

7. Helps in Exfoliation

Sometimes when you come home from outside and rub an ice cube on your face it would also help in exfoliation.

Rubbing an ice cube would remove skin impurities and dirt along with melting ice. That is why your skin looks clear, radiant, and fresh after rubbing ice cubes.

8. Set Make-up

Rubbing ice before makeup makes your skin tight and smooth which helps in the setting of makeup perfectly.

Since during summer, it is hard to make your make-up set and last longer due to sweat.

But if you rub an ice cube on your face and neck then dry your skin and do your make up you will feel it yourself how perfectly your makeup set on your skin and stops sweating.

So these were the amazing benefits of ice on face now let’s talk about when and how to apply ice on face.

Well, we have seen many celebrities and beauty experts talking about ice facials and ice rubbing as a part of the summer skincare routine for hydrated and youthful skin.

Best Time To Apply Ice On Face

Best Time To Apply Ice On Face

There are three best times when you can rub ice cubes on your face which is in the,


After waking up in the morning some people had swell faces and puffy eyes. Rubbing ice cubes on your face and eyes would prevent swelling and puffy eyes and make your skin hydrated.

Before Makeup

Rubbing ice on face before make-up help in setting the makeup flawlessly. It brings out the natural glow of the face and minimizes skin pores which helps in setting makeup perfectly.

After An Exhausting Day

When you come from outside from work or shopping and you had an exhausting day feeling tired then you can definitely try this ice therapy it will really soothe and hydrate your skin along with making you feel relaxed.

It also makes your skin look fresh and glowing. Now it’s time to discuss how to rub an ice cube on your face.

How To Apply Ice On Face?

How To Apply Ice On Face?

Before rubbing an ice cube wrap that ice cube in a cotton cloth or soft towel then move it on your face and neck slowly until you wish so.

This is the right way to rub ice on your face. Many people do it in a wrong way which harms their skin instead of benefits.

Things You Should Not Do While rubbing ice On Face.

Let’s see what you should not do when rubbing ice cubes.

1. Do not rub an ice cube directly on your skin as it is quite damaging to your skin if applied directly. Do rub as mentioned by using it with a soft cloth.
2. Do not put pressure while rubbing it do it slowly and calmly instead of harshly.
3. Do not put ice on your face when you just come from heat or outside. When come from heat and sunlight let your skin calm down from the heat then do your ice therapy.
4. Do not rub ice cubes if you have cut and burns on your face. As it may worsen your condition.
5. Do not rub ice cubes for too long and too frequently.

Rubbing ice cubes on your face for too long may harm your skin and affect your face’s blood circulation. And doing frequently may also make your skin harsh and dry.

Apart from using just normal ice cubes, there are many DIYs ice cubes you can try which are also amazing and have amazing benefits.

6 DIY Ice Cube Recipes For Glowing Skin

1. Aloe vera ice cube
2. Green tea ice cubes
3. Cucumber ice cubes
4. Potato Juice Ice Cubes
5. Turmeric Ice-cubes
6. Saffron Ice-cubes

Here we discuss the benefits of ice cubes on the face but it does have some disadvantages as well for highly sensitive-skinned people or people who do it in a wrong you.

Before going and trying any beauty trend you must its effects in both ways having advantages and disadvantages. For the disadvantages of rubbing ice cubes on face I have made a particular post in it you can check it there.

Can I use ice cubes on my face daily?

No, do not rub ice on your face daily it may harm your skin.

What is the best time to apply ice on face?

The best time to apply ice on face is in Morning, Before Makeup or After An Exhausting Day

Is ice good for skin

Rubbing ice on face and body is also known as ice therapy. And many beauty experts suggest it as a must-have routine of summer skincare for healthy, hydrated, and refreshing skin.

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